Riding the Guerrillla Highway

Riding the Guerrillla Highway
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Friday, July 27, 2012

Summer 2012

Storm Brews over 14er Mt. Blanca seen from Mike's Property in the San Luis Valley.  Newly Backfilled foundation is barely visible in the foreground.
Mike Devloo is now living in Boulder and full of love and light and in a relationship with Chalie Simon from Boulder. Its been an incredible summer of adventure! I'm still rehabilitating my sprained left knee but things have been good and love and adventure are still flowing. I started a new blog to promote a Colorado fantasy adventure tour company I'm starting called Action Escape. I hope to do a trial run of the first 'escape' titled "Escape to New Mexico" at the end of the Summer. Check it OUT

The Month of June was filled with travel and seeing old friends with lots of nice riding and a few backpack trips in between. July things solidified with pouring of concrete on my land in the San Luis Valley a, a trip up Mt. Blanca and a recent move to Boulder where I was swept into a magical love with Chalie. We hope to travel together to tropical places this fall/winter. Book sales have been strong in the Boulder area and I hope many of you recent buyers or those with just my card take the time to glance at this blog. 
Guerrilla Hwy photos at the bottom of course! 
 Miss Chalie Ann Simon on a trip up to one of my favorite hidden campsites.
Mike on the newly poured foundation on his land in the San Luis Valley. 
salmon dinner camping 

Chalie Simon my sweet princess!

Ontop of Mt Blanca on a beautiful day with my good friend Matt
Colorado's 4th highest peak.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Responses to Riding the Guerrilla Hwy.

Please feel free to respond to the book or review on Amazon.com or now on Facebook. Also check out Fantasy Isles with new tales of adventure coming soon!